15 aprile 2014 - Kivik - Haväng - Widtsköfle slott - Bosjökl - SWEDEN


Bmw Gs 1200 R (2008)
ALL PHOTOS ON http://www.francescoinviaggio.it - SWEDEN ON THE ROAD in 2014

A friendship that has lasted more than thirty years , a great passion in common, the desire to travel and stay together. Once again my friend Lello came to visit for a few days in Viking land , and once again to " inaugurate " the new bike ! The day promises very well , a wonderful sun greets us as soon as you awake. It starts in the direction of Kivik , through the beautiful forest of Häckeberga along a dirt road that goes into the middle of the woods and then come to the lake Sövde where we stop . Today we want to cuddle with bread , chocolate and fresh coffee made with Mocha and gas cooker . The weather is a bit ' whims , but soon the sun shines again . Bollerup cross the castle built in 1400 and then rise in the church of Höstra Hoby known for its beautiful medieval paintings . A brief stop and come to Kivik to visit the " Tomb of the King" dating back to the Bronze Age and is the largest place of burial circular in Sweden. It ' consists of a large mound of stones with a diameter of 75 meters and contains a burial chamber inside of almost 4 meters in length. Inside a sarcophagus was guarded . The mound was used as a quarry for many years , and burial was discovered accidentally by two farmers in 1748. Was only later that they realized that the ten stone slabs that formed the burial chamber were decorated with petroglyphs . We are lucky this time and the girl who runs the bar opens the tomb and makes us as your personal guide ! We leave to the north to arrive shortly after to Haväng on the east coast . It is a beautiful nature reserve along the sea with stunning views of the coast. On a hill a stone circle , as many seem to place of burial. We take the opportunity to eat a good sandwich in the most absolute quiet and enjoy the view . Before leaving , the coffee with mocha can not miss. It starts at the castle of Widtsköfle , one of the most beautiful
in Renaissance style in Sweden. After a short visit in its own beautiful gardens , cross the park surrounding the castle Maltesholl and continue on the road to Höör . On the way a brief stop in Vätteryds Grävfalt a cemetery of the late Iron Age . The cemetery consists of about 183 menhirs, which together form circles and ships. At the beginning of 1800 was regarded as one of the largest burial sites in Scandinavia. In origins there were more than 800 stones that with time were used as the material of construction. Shortly after we arrive in the beautiful Bosjökloster http://www.bosjokloster.se/sv-SE on the shores of Lake Ring, a castle / monastery which dates back to 1100. The property is surrounded by a beautiful garden and a huge park , with countless crops of roses , terraces and a herb garden . The garden that slopes down to the shores of the lake is really an extraordinary beauty . We come back to the house and saw the beautiful day , let's jump to the lookout Öresund almost at sunset. Here you can see the bridge that connects Sweden to Denmark in all its majesty . Great day today. at the next

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