17 Maggio 2014 - Lundakarnevalen ! Sweden


Bmw Gs 1200 R (2008)
ALL PHOTOS ON www.francescoinviaggio.it
worth a look ..! Then .. since you're there, if you have not already done so please leave a comment on the guestbook! Thank you.

The Lundakarnevalen is a special event which is held every four years in the beautiful university city of Lund. It is a large student demonstration and not only that comprises three days of great celebration with a big colorful parade with over a thousand participants, floats, skits, costumes of all kinds, rivers of alcohol and a lot of fun in the spirit of the student. The area around the cathedral is transformed into a large amusement park, with continuous performances of circus, burlesque, cabaret, cinema, concerts and more to the imagination of the Swedish students can offer. An event for all, not to be missed. http://www.lundakarnevalen.se/

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